Have you really processed your past trauma?
Maybe you thought you were over your traumatic experiences, but now, all of a sudden, it’s dominating your life again. Memories start to flash back into your mind. Memories you wish you’d have forgotten.
You might be waking up in a flood of sweat with a racing heartbeat, or maybe you become easily triggered by abuse, neglect, violence, or injustice you see on TV. Or you realise, that despite your efforts and best intentions, you are caught up in vicious circles in our relationships. You might struggle with intimacy, sexuality, addiction, or violence. Many times, we will try to ignore these issue and symptoms, downplay them or deny them even to ourselves. But these might be signs of unprocessed trauma are your body, mind and soul crying out for attention and help.
Feeling like you may have some unprocessed trauma in your life? Contact me here to see how I can help you.