Individual Therapy for Addiction and Addictive behaviour
Addiction can take many forms (food, smoking, alcohol, gambling, gaming, computer, drugs, sex, etc.). When you find yourself in its grip it seems to take over your life. There seems no way to resist. You cannot get a handle on it. It feels bigger than you. Sometimes you deny it (“Oh, it’s really not that bad!”). And sometimes you decide to fight it, only to find yourself later defeated again. Come to find out how to let go.
You might have heard from others that you are addicted, but you vehemently denied it. You might have admitted that to yourself (in secrecy), and you tried to regain control and stop. But it seems stronger than you. Every time you want to stop, you fail. And this makes you feel even worse. You feel like a failure. Like you are a mess… and then relapse again.
Maybe it is time to take another path?
Come to get to know more about it and ask your questions. Contact me here. Start exploring how you can liberate yourself from the grip.